Interlibrary Loan Service
We do our best to offer a well-rounded collection, but sometimes we don’t have the exact title you are looking for. In such cases we can request these items from other libraries on your behalf through our Interlibrary Loan (ILLO) service. Using Canada Post, we can bring in library materials from other systems in the province. We will do everything we can to fill your request at no charge or cost to you, but often academic libraries will charge an administrative fee. If there are charges for borrowing this material, the charge will be added to your record.
The Interlibrary loan service is separate from delivery of materials between our 14 library branches.
What We Can Request:
- Books (except items published/copyrighted in the current year or previous year)
- Audiobooks (except items published/copyrighted in the current year or previous year)
- Academic titles from Universities and Colleges
If you are looking for Microfilm from the Archives of Ontario, please contact our Reference Department
What cannot be borrowed:
- New books
- Rare and fragile books
- DVDs, Blue-Rays, and CDs
- Ebooks and online resources
- Video games
- Current editions of standard reference material
Who can borrow:
- Anyone with a valid KLPL library card in good standing and who does not have fines in excess of $10.
- 5 requests per month (these do not roll over to the next month)
Fines and Fees:
- $1.00 a day for overdue materials to a maximum of $25.00.
- Replacement costs for lost materials are set by the lending library and are the responsibility of the patron, in addition to a processing fee of $10.00.
- $5.00 fee for not picking up material, which will be held for 1 week.
- Patron's are responsible for any fees that may be charged by the lending library for interlibrary loans. Patrons will be contacted with estimates for any fees prior to submitting the request.
- To submit a request, please follow this link to fill out our request form.
- You can also use this paper form and leave it with your branch.
For items that we cannot bring in for you, we would also like to remind you of the reciprocal borrowing arrangements we have in place with other libraries in the region. You may be eligible for a free membership with one of 7 other library systems.
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